Good Morning! How does you feel about your home after not quite even a week of organizing and decluttering? I’m loving the rooms that we’ve done (Master Bedroom, Entryway, Laundry Room, and an organized and decluttered computer and cell phone). Today we are organizing and decluttering another room in preparation of the weekend: the living room.
The living room or family room is designed to be the room in your home where you can relax and spend time with your family. In our house, this is the room we literally “live in.” Well… the kitchen is a close 2nd in that regard! The living room is where the kids play, where we read books together, watch television, where they take an afternoon nap, where I fold laundry, and where everyone congregates in the evening. However, with all that going on it also seems to be the room with the most clutter and mess.
Today we are going to take care of that mess! Grab a trash can, a bag or box to put your items found to bless others with, and a basket to deliver items to other rooms in the house where they belong.
Here’s my order of how I’m going to be organizing and cleaning this room:
- First, I’m starting with the ceiling by dusting for cobwebs. That way when the dust falls down (I’d like to say if, but we live on a farm and it’s especially dry right now so it’s a when) I haven’t already cleaned below it.
- Next I will be cleaning off my couch. Right now it’s full of clean laundry from the 2 loads I’ve done this morning.
- After that I will do our television stand where the kids like to put toys on the shelves and dust off the television.
- We have an end table in between our recliners that will be next which is my catch all for clutter. It’s where I set my books, magazines, and anything else I’ve been reading or want to read in the next few days.
- Finally when all that is organized and decluttered, I will be pulling out the furniture, vacuuming underneath and putting away any “treasures” that I find under them.
- When you are finished organizing and decluttering, I hope you are happy with the way your room looks. If you aren’t, would a new picture hanging in your room help? What about a bouquet of fresh flowers? Can you take something out of one room to decorate and transform your living room? Is it time for a fresh paint color? There are many ways to transform a room without spending a lot of money. Be creative and let me know what you do to make your space more inviting!
- I’m hoping to have this done under an hour. The result should be a warm environment where the family can enjoy each other’s company. When you are finished I hope you can light a great smelling candle and spend some time relaxing either reading a book, having 30 minutes of downtime or spending some quality time with your family.
If you want to link up, snap a picture and meet back at 9 CST. (I’m hoping to have this post up early because we are attending a hockey game tonight!) For those of you who don’t blog, leave a comment and let me know how organizing and decluttering the living room went for you today!
In case you have missed any days in this series, here they are! (Don’t worry you can jump in right where we are in the series and go back later if you want to catch up or just finish out what we’re working on with us! I’m so happy you are joining us in organizing and decluttering your home!)
Day 6 Update: Day 6: Day 5 Update: Day 5: Day 4 Update: Day 4: Day 3 Update: Day 3: Day 2 Update: Day 2: Day 1 Update: Day 1:
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