Welcome to Women With Intention! I’m Jenny and this is my second year of joining a community of bloggers for 31 days of writing, hosted by Write 31 Days.
Many people search their entire lifetime for a reason why they are here, what they should be doing, and what their purpose is in life.
When you think about your purpose, what comes to mind?
Is it something really deep, spiritual or mysterious? Is your purpose goal driven? Is your purpose what you dream about or chosen by career choices? Is it the legacy you leave after you are gone?
How many times have you wondered, “What is my purpose?”
Each day in October, I will be writing on 31 Days of Purpose (under Inspiration & Faith at The Nester) and adding it below!
This series will help you focus on your purpose by helping you rediscover your passions and gifts. We will be looking into what makes you wakes you up in the morning and keeps you up at night. (You might want to find a notebook to journal your thoughts.) I’m so excited about this series and I hope you are, too!
Discovering Your Passions To Live With Purpose
Dream Big! Completing Your Lifetime List
Creating Your Personal Mission Statement
Slowing Down To Live A “Slow Life”
Trying New Things To Experience Life
The Easiest Way To Serve: Using Your Gifts & Talents
25 Quotes To Help You Live Your Purpose
Simple Evening Habits To Set Up Successful Mornings
Rest In God To Live Your Best Life
Living Like Today Is Your Last
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
denise says
this sounds awesome
Jenny says
It will be! Thanks for joining in!
Jenn says
What a great topic! I know it’s easy to tell people what I think is wrong with me. It’s a lot harder to come up with my gifts. So love the idea of helping people to figure it out!
Jenny says
Thanks, Jen! 🙂 Hope you enjoy the series!
Summer says
So excited about this series. I love your ideas, encouragements, and inspirations to help me live a more intentional life!
Jenny says
Summer, you made my day! :). I hope you enjoy both series!
Sarah Koontz says
Looks like a great series! Best of luck, I hear it can be a long month 😉 It is my first time doing #write31days and I am loving it so far.
Ludavia @ Nifty Betty says
I just discovered your series! I can’t wait to start diving in. I’ve been discovering bravery this month and finding my purpose will definitely go along with that.
Jenny says
That’s awesome! Hope you enjoy it!