Today’s project was organizing and decluttering your computer, Ipad, tablet, cell phone, or whatever electronic device or devices you use. I hope you were able to participate in this challenge and that it was beneficial to you!
I decided to work on my computer and my cell phone today. I started with the computer. When I blog, I have a bad habit of saving all images to my desktop instead of filing them properly right away, so my desktop was full of files. I quickly moved them to where they needed to go (most to the recycle bin) and now my screen is almost blank of files and I love it!
Next, I moved to my emails. I told you this morning I had 331 unread emails in my personal inbox. Well, by the time I got around to this job, there were 357. I am proud to say there are ZERO now. Whoo hoo! It took a bit to clear out my inbox but I also felt a sense of peace where it now shows just a couple as they come in. I also unsubscribed from about 20 different places I receive bulk emails from that I either don’t have time to read or don’t care to receive anymore.
I was running out of time so I grabbed my cell phone and deleted 15 contacts that I no longer need to have in my phone and finished this project in under an hour.
Which device did you work on today?
In case you have missed any days in this series, here they are! (Don’t worry you can jump in right where we are in the series and go back later if you want to catch up or just finish out what we’re working on with us! I’m so happy you are joining us in organizing and decluttering your home!)
Day 6: Day 5 Update: Day 5: Day 4 Update: Day 4: Day 3 Update: Day 3: Day 2 Update: Day 2: Day 1 Update: Day 1:
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