Each month in 2015, I will be offering a FREE monthly self-care calendar. I hope you all benefit from this free resource, print it out, and spend some time taking care of you! A great friend once told me, that if a woman doesn’t take care of herself, no one else will. This doesn’t mean […]
Archives for October 2015
Living Like Today Is Your Last
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! How would you spend your days if your doctor told you there was nothing else they could do to treat your cancer? I read the heartbreaking story this week (and maybe you did, too) about […]
Purposeful Giving
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! What is the best gift you have ever received? Was it wrapped in a pretty box or something deeper like the birth of a child, getting married, a friendship, or a compliment that you’ve never […]
Our Favorite Halloween Movies & Women With Intention Wednesdays #43
Halloween is just a few days away. I realize that many Christians do not trick or treat or do anything regarding the holiday but I do I let my kids trick or treat. In my house, we aren’t celebrating anything on Halloween except for dressing up in a costume (which is fun and none of […]
Rest In God To Live Your Best Life
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! I have a hard time resting. Somewhere along the way, I’ve gotten uncomfortable being still. Spending quiet time doing nothing is almost painful, more like work than relaxation. After having babies, going to the kids’ school activities, and […]
Meal Plan Monday
Do you ever get tired of hearing, “Hey, what’s for dinner?” I do! 5:15 P.M. to 6:15 P.M. is known as the witching hour at my house. It never fails that if I don’t have a plan in place for dinner, my darling children soon become something wicked out of a horror movie. In other words, […]
Praying For Purpose
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! If you have taken the quizzes, personality tests, and searched deep within your soul to find your passions, strengths, and values, and are still unclear about your purpose, you are probably experiencing some frustration. Don’t […]
Goals For The Week
Last Week’s Goals: **The links below are my referral links. If you make purchase, I may receive a small commission that I use to help fund this blog. Thank you for your support! You can read my disclosure policy here. Spiritual Goals: Make time for God each day. Read 5 days of You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: […]
Simple Evening Habits To Set Up Successful Mornings
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! Are your mornings stressful, rushing around trying to find a pair of shoes, lost homework, or trying to figure out what to wear? If so, a few simple changes in your evening habits could […]
Secrets of Developing Habits
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! How many times have you thought to yourself, “If I could only change ____, my life would be better” ? Whether is it is getting up earlier, exercising regularly, or menu planning to save money instead […]