Do you love 31 day challenges?
I do!
This is the page to find all of my 31 day challenges and series! Each time I start a new one, you can find it here!
Check out my new series starting October 1, 2015 which is all about YOUR purpose!
Introduction: 31 Days of Purpose
Discovering Your Passions To Find Purpose
Identifying Your Strengths
Examining Your Values
Finding Your Why
Dream Big! Completing Your Lifetime List
My Lifetime List
Creating Your Personal Mission Statement
Setting Goals
Slowing Down To Live A “Slow Life”
Trying New Things To Experience Life
Forgiveness & Recovery
The Easiest Way To Serve: Using Your Gifts & Talents
25 Quotes To Help You Live Your Purpose
Leaving A Lasting Legacy
Secrets Of Developing Habits
Simple Evening Habits To Set Up Successful Mornings
Praying For Purpose
Living Like Today Is Your Last
I love challenges and series! Here are a few more for you to enjoy!