Good Morning! I hope you are ready for another day of organizing and decluttering! In case you missed Day 1, I’m doing this challenge differently than I’ve ever done my challenges before! For this challenge I’m incorporating some cleaning into our organizing and decluttering challenges. Each day I will post a decluttering challenge and organizing challenge. What you choose to do each day is totally up to you! You might be a very organized person who just needs to do some decluttering. However, if you can do all the challenges, I believe you will be blessed with a beautiful, organized, and decluttered home when we are finished and I bet you will love it!
Yesterday we began our challenge, starting with the Master Bedroom. Today we are heading back in the Master Bedroom. Today’s challenge is going to be a little more intense than yesterday’s!
I chose the Master Bedroom to begin this challenge because our bedrooms should be a place of oasis! It’s the one place in our home where we should be able to sleep peacefully, relax with a good book, have some romance, and escape from the everyday mess, clutter, and chaos that goes on in the rest of the house! However, if your house is like mine, many times the Master Bedroom becomes a place where all the clutter goes if company shows up, laundry gets piled if it doesn’t get put away properly, and papers can pile up. None of these help contribute to a relaxing environment!
Today’s decluttering and organizing challenge is to finish the Master Bedroom (EXCEPT FOR THE CLOSET! We’ll finish it tomorrow! If you know you won’t have time tomorrow, go ahead and finish it as well!)
Here are my tips for decluttering the master bedroom:
- Before you begin, grab the bedding that you can wash, and throw it in the washing machine! There’s nothing better than clean sheets when you are ready to go to sleep!
- If you can wash your window treatments do it! You will be amazed how much better the room looks when they are clean!
- After you start the laundry, start with dusting the ceiling fan and corners in the room. That way the dust falls before you vacuum and clean.
- Now you are ready to really declutter! Begin at the door and work your way around the room clockwise.
- Have a trash can with you and dispose of the trash right away. Remember, clothing with stains or holes really isn’t a blessing. Throw it out or recycle them into rags!
- Grab a bag or box for items to bless others with. I’m sure along the way you will find things that you no longer need or want (or that fit) and those can go straight into the box. If you don’t use it, love it, or need it bless someone else!
- Have a laundry basket for the items that need to go to other rooms. When you finish, go put those items back where they belong.
- As you find clothes that need put away, go ahead and do it! But do not get distracted with the closet or dresser! Go back to where you were working and keep going!
- Yesterday we started decluttering and organizing the dresser so you have a good start. As you do your dresser, only do one drawer at a time! It’s easy to get overwhelmed if you dump them all out and have a huge mountain of clothes that need put away!
- Make sure you check under your bed for clutter as well as inside your night stand table!
- Don’t forget to switch the laundry. It’s not a good thing to get ready for bed to find wet sheets in the washing machine! When the bedding complete, make your bed and enjoy your clean bedroom!
- If you have time, wipe down the baseboards!
- Remember to vacuum and dust to give your room that extra clean look! If you have a warmer, put in your favorite scent to give your room the ultimate feeling of relaxation!
Here are my organizing tips for the Master Bedroom!
- Finish decluttering first! When you have decluttered, there are less things to try to organize and the room will ready for you to organize!
- If you have room under your bed, utilize that space! Storage bags, totes, or under the bed containers work really well for storing out of season clothing under the bed. (I know some people who don’t have pantry space that store canned goods under their bed! Do what works the best for you!)
- Maximize your night stand tables! Most have drawers that can be used to store any type of office supplies you may need in your room such as a pen and your journal, your book you are currently reading, etc. (I don’t recommend keeping business items in the bedroom, by having bills that need paid, deadlines that need finished, etc in your bedroom, I feel it makes it hard to relax.) Use the drawers to keep the top clean.
- Maximize shelving. You can organize your pictures, favorite knick-knacks, and other items that you love in your room such as candles with a shelf. If you feel your room is really cluttered and don’t want to declutter any farther, a few shelves can really help the look of the room.
- Keep your laundry baskets stacked together and put away in a closet. (I’m telling you this, but I am terrible at practicing this!)
- If you have a huge closet in your bedroom, I have several friends who keep their dresser inside the closet to open up the room. This could be an idea to consider if you are lucky enough to have one that large!
- Do a 5 minute clean up in your room every night before bed to keep it picked up and beautiful.
- Make your bed every day! When I do this, my room stays so much cleaner and I take more pride in keeping it that way!
- Use baskets and containers to contain like items (DVD’s, books, Scentsy bars, etc.) My only hesitation with baskets is it is easy to let other things inside of them that don’t belong, so be diligent on keeping only what belongs inside!
If you are a blogger, please link up so others can see your progress! If you don’t blog, let me know how you did with this! You can also leave pictures on the Facebook page! Did you find many items to purge? Remember, decluttering is a process! Do you feel more organized? How does your clean room make you feel? We’ll be taking small bites in effort to get our homes done this month! You can do it! I will update on my progress tonight at 9 P.M.
In case you have missed yesterday’s challenge here it is! (Don’t worry you can jump in right where we are in the series and go back later if you want to catch up or just finish out what we’re working on with us! I’m so happy you are joining us in organizing and decluttering your home!)
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