Good morning! Today’s organizing and decluttering challenge is going to be a little different than the last few challenges but is still important to do. Today’s challenge is organizing and decluttering your computer, Ipad, tablet, cell phone, or whatever electronic device or devices you use! This should only take 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Depending on the steps you do, it can make your computer faster and will definitely help you be more organized.
I’m sure you may be thinking, “Why would I need to do that?” Here are some ways that you can declutter your computer:
- Declutter your email. This may not be a problem for you, but it is definitely a problem for me! My personal inbox has 331 emails that I haven’t read in it right now. Oh my…. There are 3 parts to this.
The first is deleting the things you no longer need. (I like to create folders in Gmail to organize what I do want to keep. It moves them out of the inbox but I have them if I need them).
The second part of decluttering your email is going through and looking to see who you are getting your emails from and if you need to be receiving them at all. Have you signed up for updates from websites, blogs, or companies that you no longer wish to receive? (Hopefully not mine!) I get so many emails from stores with coupons and notifications of sales that I only shop at once a year that it drives me crazy. I will be spending some time unsubscribing today from these. Each time my phone alerts me to a new email and I look to see who it’s from, I’m wasting seconds of my day. By unsubscribing to the unimportant, I can focus on more important things such as my family.
The third part is don’t forget to empty your email spam!
- Change your notifications tab on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest if you are getting too many emails about people following you, etc.
- Have you registered your home phone for the National Do Not Call Registry? If you haven’t spend 2 minutes and go to and sign up! When we did this our telemarketing calls decreased significantly.
- Clean up your desktop. Mine is a hot mess right now. It’s full of blog ideas, pictures, and other documents that need organized! Create some new folders to organize your documents and keep things simple for yourself.
- Can you delete some programs that you no longer use?
- Can you clean out old contacts which you no longer need? (This is true on your cell phone as well!)
- Can you clean out old music, ebooks, or movies that you no longer need that you have downloaded?
- Do you have photos that need cleaned up? Can you organize them, back them up, and delete the duplicates?
- Go through your documents and delete what you no longer need.
- Have you deleted your cookies and internet temporary files lately?
- Go through your bookmarks and favorites. Can you organize what you have and delete what you no longer need?
- Don’t forget to empty your recycling bin!
- When you are finished can you back up all of your data? My awesome mother-in-law gave us a Clickfree 1 TB Portable Hard Drive with backup for Christmas.
- Remember, you should have a separate email account for your personal account and your business account!
- Here are a few websites can help with organizing:
* and are to-do lists that link to your phone that can help you stay organized
* helps you share documents on the smart phone, tablet, etc
I hope you will be able to join in today! Which electronic device are you organizing and decluttering today?
In case you have missed any days in this series, here they are! (Don’t worry you can jump in right where we are in the series and go back later if you want to catch up or just finish out what we’re working on with us! I’m so happy you are joining us in organizing and decluttering your home!)
Day 5 Update: Day 5: Day 4 Update: Day 4: Day 3 Update: Day 3: Day 2 Update: Day 2:
This is great information! I have been meaning to register my phone for the do not call list for a while now. I did it once a long time ago, but I believe it is only good for 5 years. Thanks to your reminder, that is one thing I can cross off my list 🙂