Summer’s here which means it’s time for the summer bucket list! I’ve been very absent from the blog for the last month since the kids have been out of school. Carefree summers seem to be a thing of the past because of that horrible new epidemic we all have contracted…the busy syndrome! Before school got […]
Why My Kids Won’t Be Watching Any More 2016 Presidential Debates
***I rarely discuss my political beliefs or views on my blog, let alone to my friends. However, when the political world is influencing my parenting, I’m guessing there are a few of you that this might relate to as well! I had a moment of parenting genius last week! It was so good that I […]
Creating Meaningful Bedtimes: My March Mini-Challenge
What does bedtime look like at your house? Do you have meaningful bedtimes sharing special moments, prayers, snuggles or a book? Are you grumpy, rushing your kids to bed while you are anxiously awaiting for some peace and quiet? If you find yourself wishing for meaningful bedtimes but fit more into the “hurry up and go to bed” camp, […]
Our Favorite Family Games
One of the ways I’ve tried to intentionally spend some time with my kids has been through playing games. By spending extra time together we get to work on character traits such as taking turns, sportsmanship, and the importance of family time. Having a larger family with kids ranging from 4 1/2 years old to […]
I Love You Mini-Challenge
One way to carry out my 2016 goals is by doing a mini-challenge each month! (In January, my mini-challenge was exercising 4 times each week.) Valentine’s Day can be a lot of fun to celebrate! I think we should let our family members know we love them all year-long, but it’s fun to show some extra love in […]
3 Fun Games To Help With Spelling Words
Does the thought of going over spelling words make you want to run and hide? Spelling is a subject for kids that is either easy or challenging. Spelling was one of my stronger subjects in school so I was very surprised that my older 3 children all have struggled with spelling words. While Nora, (our […]
Three Bad Habits Of Stay At Home Moms That Need To Change & Women With Intention Wednesdays #46
I’ve been a stay at home mom for 8 years. (Where has time gone?) There have been moments of pure bliss and moments where I thought I might lose my mind! All things considered, it has been one of the biggest blessings of my life and I pray to keep my title of at home mom […]
Tips To Teach Gratitude
How many times have you seen a child flailing around throwing a fit because he was told that he couldn’t have a toy while you are shopping? If you are like most people you’ve seen it at least once! Gratitude is an important skill to learn to live a full life, not a life of […]
My Heart Still Aches: Life After Losing A Child
In 2006, I found out I was pregnant with my second child. After 2 years of trying, I was ecstatic. After experiencing complications with my first pregnancy, I was so discouraged. My heart yearned for this unborn bundle of joy. At my first appointment my numbers were a little lower than ideal. That happened during my […]
The Tooth Fairy Blues & Encouragement For Moms
Last night David (6 years old) decided it was time to get rid of that loose tooth that has been “bothering me for weeks”. However, he didn’t want to pull it so he asked for help from mom. Being child #4 to lose a first tooth, I was prepared for just about anything, except what happened! […]