Welcome back to my new series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here!
Why do you do the things you do?
Is it because of habit or because you don’t know a different way?
Have you ever been assigned to do a task a specific way that just doesn’t seem to be working and you know there had to be a better way to complete it?
Many people who are looking for their purpose in life start with their career.
When you are finding your why you need to look at 2 important aspects of your life: your strengths and values.
When your strengths and values come together, you will find your why whether it’s a work, on a volunteer project or at home.
When you are finding your why in your career or work, it’s important to remember that your why is what you would do even if you didn’t get paid for it and you still receive a lot of satisfaction from completing that task. You will work harder and more efficiently when you are combining your values and strengths while at the same time making it look easy to those around you.
A successful career is where you can combine your strengths and values most of the time, instead of small fraction time as most of us do in our careers. You can even create more success for yourself by setting up your work so you can act upon your strengths and values every day when you create your to-do list. Delegate (as much as possible) the tasks that do not align with your strengths and values to someone who has those strengths and values and success will increase even more.
What is one way you can combine your values and strengths at work? I realize that many of you don’t have a lot of control about how you complete tasks but if you can, try it out! You might just have found a whole new side of work that you have dreamed about!
You can also apply this concept to your home life.
For example, you and your husbands “why” is getting out of debt to stay home with your kids.
One of your strengths is price matching combined with cutting coupons. However, you pick up the kids from daycare and you can’t shop without picking up a bunch of stuff you don’t need because your kids are tired after a long day.
When you combine your list making, money saving strengths and values with your husband’s schedule and being able to stick to a list while applying your price matching and couponing, both of you just added a quicker path to success to your why.
Your challenge today is finding your why. I also challenge you to find something that doesn’t correspond to your strengths and values and to experiment delegating that task.
I’d love to hear how your experiment turns out!
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