Welcome to a new week!
I love the beginning of the week because it means new goals, new meal plans, and a clean slate. I’m trying something new this week by combining my weekly meal plan, my goals, and 5 things I love all into one post!
Let me know what you think!
Jason’s still combining away so it’s wacky trying to make meal plans. Some nights Jason’s mom cooks for all of us (God bless her!) and others we eat at home and either take Jason a sandwich or she takes the guys food. So my tentative meal plan looks like this:
This Week’s Meal Plan:
Eggs & Toast
Cinnamon rolls
French toast
Scrambled eggs
Oatmeal or yogurt with granola
Hard boiled eggs, toast, and yogurt
Baked Spaghetti
Eating With Family
Eating With Family
Soup (Chili & Potato)
Sandwiches, carrot sticks, grapes
Spaghetti, green beans, and apple sauce
Grilled pizza, salad, and fruit
Grilled steak, grilled garlic potatoes
Eating with Family
Eating With Family
5 Things I Love This Week:
**Some of the links in this post are my referral links. When you order a product through this link it may result in a small commission, which helps me pay the cost of running this site, but does not add any additional cost to you. Thank you for your support of my site and for supporting my family! You can read my disclosure policy here.
1. Captain Combine & Captain Combine Junior.
David is a true farm kid. He loves dirt, tractors, animals, and combining corn which is how we lovingly gave him the name Captain Combine Junior. Jason’s the combine operator 99.9% of the time so he’s Captain Combine.
2. Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference
I received this book for free as part of the launch team in exchange for a review and even though I’ve just started this book, I am loving it! I will have a full review soon (including some of the awesome freebies you get if you pre-order from Amazon).
3. The Carriage House Chandelier from Ballard Designs
that I ordered for our entry, living room, and above the table.
I got mine in the antique silver and got the large for the living room and the smaller ones for the other 2 areas. I was really nervous to order lights online but got these as a Ballard special before they went up in price. I can’t wait to enjoy them regularly!
4.Lil Woodzeez
Nora and Ari absolutely love Lil Woodzeez (a cheaper version of Calico Critters). They take them everywhere and play with them for hours. We have the foxes and the owls and they are their favorite animals to play with. Tomorrow is a day off from school and I guarantee they will be playing with them most of the day!

5. Grace
If you would have told me 6 years ago that I would be getting ready to move into a new home, that my kids would be happy and thriving, and that I’d have a growing blog I think I would have laughed.
At that point, my life was anything but happy or good.
I’m so thankful that even though I’m a broken person, doing my best to live the “good life” that God’s grace has been extended to me and my family. I’m in no way perfect or have it all together but by the grace of a great God, life is so good.
If you are struggling, hang in there and pray…God is so good.
This Week’s Goals:
Spiritual Goals:
- Make time for God each day.
- Read 5 days of You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You
Marriage Goals:
- Have a date night!
Family Goals:
- Continue Vision Therapy for Nora.
- Have Nora ride her bike 3 times.
- Figure out costumes for trick or treating. It looks like I’m making all of the costumes this year (what am I thinking)! David wants to be a pumpkin. I found a found a crazy cat lady costume on Pinterest that is hilarious for Nora. Blake wants to be a soldier and Ari an owl. I’m trying to talk her into being a parrot because we have that costume already but she’s pretty adamant on being an owl.
Homemaking Goals:
- Get all carpet installed at the house.
- List 5 things on Facebook to sell
- Call sink restoration guy and find a time to pick up my laundry room sink. Last week didn’t work so hopefully this will be better!
- Pay for appliances
- Move Christmas decorations to new house & declutter what I don’t need anymore. List that stuff on Facebook to sell (I have a lot of Christmas decorations….)
- Record my water intake.
- Exercise 4 times, increase time by 5 minutes, and write it down in my weight loss journal.
Personal Goals:
- Complete tomorrow’s to-do list each night before bed
- Listen to 7 of Chalene Johnson’s podcasts.
- Research It Works. I’m still on the fence about being a distributor but I love the products that I’ve tried!
Womenwithintention.com Goals:
- Pin links from Women With Intention Wednesday.
- Continue 31 Days of Purpose
Do you need help setting goals, check out these posts on helping you get started:
Setting Goals With An Action Plan
How To Change Your Life By Setting Goals
What are your goals for the week? I’d love to cheer you on in your journey!
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
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