Welcome back to my 31 Days of Decluttering In December! If you have missed any days in this series, no problem! You can find each day here!
Grab a piece of paper and for 5 minutes write down what you want to be different in your life one year from today. Maybe you would like a different job, to lose weight, a promotion, more savings, to be able to stay at home with your kids, a stronger marriage, better friendships, less debt, a cleaner home, or a closer relationship with God.
Go ahead, I’ll wait right here!
Finished? Do you have a lot or just a few? Now that you know what you want to be different a year from now, how are you going to make that happen?
Instead of decluttering your home today, I want you to pull your paper back out. What you wrote down on that sheet of paper are your 2015 goals. These are the things you want to change about your life and that are the most important to you right now to be working on. I realize you may have more than what you wrote down on your list and that’s fine! Go ahead and add those to your list.
Now, do you find any of your goals fitting into categories such as financial, work, homemaking, fitness, or spirituality? Group your list by category. You may find a trend. My categories were mostly about relationships, homemaking, and blogging. There were others but those 3 categories had the most goals that fit together.
Now it’s time to pick 3 goals that are the most important to you (preferably from 3 different categories). It’s OK to set more than 3 goals but I don’t want you to choose more than you can realistically work on or cause yourself burn out. These are the goals you are going to work on in 2015. Will it be easy, probably not! Nothing good in life comes easy but with some work and effort, you will be on your way to reaching your goals.
Hang onto this list, I will have the next step of how to turn these goals into reality up on Tuesday! (Here is the follow-up post!) If you think of any more between now and then, add them to the list! Keep brainstorming to get your best list!
What is one goal you have on your list for 2015?
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
[…] What goals have you set for 2015? Writing dow your goals makes it more likely to achive them: picture: womenwithintention.com […]