On Monday, I promised a sneak peek into my DIY weight loss journal. I still have several pages to add (a menu plan and meal tracking section and a workout section) but here is a sneak peek!
I’m all about accountability. Therefore, 2 pages into my DIY weight loss journal is where I’m journaling my monthly weigh-ins. (I weigh myself far more often than just monthly but this is a great way to see what is happening at a glance.) I also have a grid of the weight I started at and then it counts down to my goal weight. I can cross off the pounds as I lose them (we all know I love to cross off things on a list)!
One of my biggest weight loss problems is mindless or stress eating. I found this list on Pinterest and wanted to include it to remind myself to be intentional in food selection. It has helped! (I also have a sticky note stuck on my fridge with the same list to keep me out of the refrigerator!)
Losing weight isn’t easy! Sometimes I need a little reminder of why I’m doing this when I don’t want to exercise or really want to eat something that I shouldn’t. Here are some of my reminders!
I also need motivation from time to time so I made a page to help remind me of why I’m doing this! I gave myself some extra pages for motivational quotes or other things I find to put in this section to keep me going.
I’m sure some of you are thinking why bother with a DIY weight loss journal.
I leave this on my counter (and it fits in my purse) so I can have it with me to record meals, exercise, and anything else that relates to my weight loss journey. When I’ve done weight loss programs before, they all recommended tracking what I had eaten and I know that by having to physically write down what I’m doing it does keep me focused on the goal!
Have you ever made a DIY weight loss journal or had a journal to keep track of what your eating or weight you are losing? How did that work for you when you used it?
Welcome to Women With Intention Wednesdays!
Welcome back to another great week of community building and support for one another!
Oh ladies, we had some awesome posts last week! My absolute favorite was Lauren’s with How I use a $20 Bill To Teach Students They Have Value. I love this post. I have a middle schooler. I see how volatile her self-esteem is. Kids need to know they have value and that they are special. I highly recommend that if you work with middle or high school students whether through ministry or whatever, you read this post. It’s great!
Thank you all for giving me such great posts to read each week! Keep them coming!
Here is what you will find at Women With Intention Wednesdays:
- This is a link up party where you come to encourage one another, have fun, and share your best posts to help women live their best life!
- In other words, any post that you have written about Christian living, homemaking, relationships, healthy living, living a frugal life or that helps another woman can be included in this link up! Please just keep them family friendly (I reserve the right to remove anything that I feel isn’t appropriate).
- This link up is beneficial for every woman! Whether you are a blogger or a reader, this is one you won’t want to miss! I’m very excited to offer this link up as a place to not only build new relationships between bloggers but also by providing an awesome resource of information for my readers!
Here are the rules of this link up:
- You must link directly to your post (no homepages, please).
- Please link up no more than 2 posts each week and please do not link up the same post week after week.
For every link you add, please visit the link before you and one other of your choice. If your links are consecutive visit the blogger before you and your choice for the 2nd link. It’s impossible to build relationships when no one communicates! I’ve had a few bloggers email me who haven’t had any clicks and there were more last week than any before. Please don’t link and run!
- By linking up you give me permission to share your posts and photos on this blog and social media. Each week I will choose a featured post. I will only feature and pin your post if you have followed the rules. All features will be linked back to the original source.
- You also give me permission to email you a quick reminder that the party is live. You may opt out anytime. I don’t spam my readers with emails.
- Answer the community building question below so we all get to know each other! That’s the purpose of being here! 🙂
In order to help grow this community with great posts and relationships, I would love it if you would add the party button to your sidebar, your blog directory page, or a text link at the bottom of your post. This isn’t required to participate in the link-up but I would really appreciate it!

If you were featured be sure to grab a button for your site! Thank you for linking up and sharing your great posts!
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Community building question of the week: What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Breakfast is probably my favorite time to eat! I love Christmas brunch at my mother-in-law’s. She makes delicious breakfast casseroles (two of them), have cinnamon rolls, I bring my baked French toast, we have fruit and lots of other yummy stuff. So long story short, I pretty much like all breakfast foods! 😉
Oh this is a tough one…I love so many breakfast foods…going to have to go with Donuts, though!
Eggs. Definitely eggs and then whatever goes with them can vary . . . cheese, bacon, sausage.
I have four boys, and it could be that their smiles over a hearty breakfast may influence my opinion!
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I typically have oatmeal or yogurt & granola.
I typically like to keep breakfast simple, but I enjoy a good omelette (preferably a spicy one!) when going out for breakfast. Or making super sweet french toast at home. It’s just not the healthiest way to start out my morning…so it’s only for special occasions. 🙂
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I love a good egg sandwich. Ciabatta bread tasty cheese, some bacon and an egg, of course. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of the sweets, too. 🙂
I love eggs! I have discovered eating baked avocado with an egg… game changer. 😉
Weight Watchers is big into journaling. I think it’s a great practice because it forces us to face our food! Enjoy the WWI linkup every week. Thanks for your faithfulness to WWI. xo
Thank you for the party! I definitely love hot cocoa and toast. I eat it almost every day. Baked French toast is wonderful too! I enjoyed peeking into your weight loss journal. My husband has lost a lot of weight. Besides praying over it, of course, the one piece of advice that has stuck with me has been to acknowledge when I’m hungry and when I just am bored or lonely or whatever else. It’s been eye-opening for me. I linked up at 50 and 51. Have a great day!
I love this! Thank you for featuring my post on middle schoolers…it is such an important age where kids learn and grow in so many ways. Grateful for mamas like you who love on their middle schoolers well!
I love your journal! It’s fun and colorful and HELPFUL. I really liked the things to do instead of comfort/stress eating which is a really big bugaboo for me.
Me too! 🙂
My all-time favorite breakfast food is Eggs Benedict. That said, I’m also quite partial to waffles, especially topped with fresh fruit! Most of the time I eat oatmeal with peanut butter, though. I combined one high fiber packet of oatmeal with one regular packet and add a spoonful of peanut butter. It’s quick and easy, plus a necessary part of my doctor-ordered high fiber diet.
I’m always in for easy so my breakfast is usually cheese nachos. Since wheat and I don’t get along well both this and oatmeal (to change things up a bit) are my breakfast go-to’s.
Sounds good to me! 🙂
Greek yogurt or oatmeal with fruit. Eggs, I usually eat the same things each week on different days.
I love this! I am just finishing up weaning my little guy and I feel the difference in not burning those extra nursing calories anymore! I am starting to see the results of the extra food I’ve been eating (for him of course, ahem) and realize I need to be more mindful of what goes in my mouth! Excited to hear about your progress in living a more healthy and intentional life, and encouraged to do so myself!
Oh yes… I love this idea and your journal is so colorful and happy! (I fell out of the habit of eating breakfast –I know, I know!? and writing down my food, and this post really reminded me of the importance of doing that! Thanks!
I’m a fan of breakfast burritos:)
It was so fun to find your blog and link-up! Thank you so much for hosting!!
Blessings and smiles,
Thanks for linking up, Lori! 🙂