The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
~Lao Tzu
**Did you miss the other posts in this series of 31 Days Of Intentional Living? You can find them here!
Last week we talked about being intentional and living our lives according to our priorities. Today we are going to put together that list of priorities with your goals! If you are new to goal setting, you might want to read How To Set S.M.A.R.T. goals (go ahead, I’ll wait right here for you to catch up!)
It’s easy to write something down on paper but the follow through can be much more difficult! Now that we all know what our priorities are and how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, it’s time to set some your own goals with an action plan!
Here are some tips to help you not only set goals, but to follow through with action:
- Believe in yourself. Without the belief that you will accomplish your goals, it’s probably not going to happen.
- Write down your goals! Without writing them down they can be forgotten and are more like a wish.
- Place your list of goals somewhere that you see it a LOT. The more you see your goals, the less likely you will forget about them!
- Sticky Notes are your friend! Jot down your goals individually on sticky notes and leave them around the house where you will be reminded to do them! For example, if living a healthier lifestyle is on your priority list, you might want to leave yourself a note on the refrigerator to eat HEALTHY snacks or to grab a glass of water first and then come back!
- Find a friend to share your goals with that will hold you accountable. Have check-ins to see how you both are doing on the goals. If you know you have to check-in, it will keep you motivated!
- Write down your goal process on your calendar. Break the goal into pieces with each piece having a deadline on the calendar.
- Work on your goal every day.
- Reward yourself when you cross the goals off your list!
What are your tips to add action to your goals?
If you need help setting goals, check out these posts on helping you get started:
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
**Did you miss the other posts in this series of 31 Days Of Intentional Living? You can find them here!
Nikki says
Great tips, Jenny! I keep my goals written down in my planner so that I can refer to them often.
Shante says
Great tips…I add the very important things and set them as alarm to remind me..I keep s note book as well….and recently great a vision board, but I’m going to attach my goals to them…
Misty Leask says
Hi Jenny! Thank you so much for linking this post up at the Family Fun Friday link up! I am very goal and planning oriented, so I loved it! I will be featuring this post at the link up this week on my blog! Blessings!
Kristina and Millie says
I love your tips, and the image you used, very nice. Thanks for linking up to Snickerdoodle Sunday!
Brittany says
I am really good about setting goals, but sometimes getting right down to work can be difficult! Need to improve my focus sometimes 🙂 (Loving this series by the way!)
JES says
Writing down my goals on paper really does motivate me to accomplish things! Thanks for sharing these ideas on the Art of Home-Making Mondays and I do hope you join us again next week 🙂
Jenny says
Thanks for our discussion on G+! I appreciate you taking to time to have a party! 🙂
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
Thanks for sharing these excellent tips, Jenny. It reminds me of the saying that you eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Goal setting is important for me, but also allowing for rest and grace. I work very hard when I work, but I also pay attention to when I need rest or a break. Allowing myself rest and a little grace when I can’t live up to my own expectations allow me to get back to work with more energy and fervor.
Thanks for the post, Jenny!