This is Day 13 of a 31 day series on Biblical kindness. You can find the rest of the posts here!
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Scott Adams
When was the last time you looked someone in the eye and asked how their day was going expecting a truthful answer and you cared? Chances are you are like most people who ask the innocent question of “How are you?” without really listening to the answer or expecting anything other than a “ok,” “good” or “fine”.
One of the things I love about living in a rural community is that people care. You know…really care.
When I was a freshman college, I had a flat tire when I was traveling. I didn’t have a cell phone (I know…that was a long time ago) and wasn’t in my home community. I also had no idea how to change a tire.
I’d never done it before so I did what I thought any logical person would do. I got out the car manual and started reading how to do it.
I had a little two door Pontiac Grand Am and I’m trying to figure out how to get the spare out of the back while reading the manual.
Luckily for me, before I could read the first page on how to do this, a man pulled up in his pickup and asked if I needed help. I could tell he was a farmer from his pickup truck and I quickly said “YES!”
The guy changed my tire in under 5 minutes, told me to “Have a nice day!” and he was gone. I was so grateful I offered to pay him (which he said absolutely not) and I never saw that man again. I still remember this sincere act of kindness like it was yesterday. It was one of those times that I really had no idea what to do (besides try to read a car manual) and a guardian angel helped me out.
Each person on earth was created by God with different talents, gifts, and abilities. For some people changing a tire is a simple task. For others it’s cooking or cleaning.
We can all use our talents and gifts to spread kindness to others. When we do it with no strings attached, it is sincere kindness. Have you thought about how you can use your talents to spread kindness?
- If your gift is cooking, have you ever thought of making meals for new moms at your church?
- If your gift is gardening, have you ever thought of donating some of your produce to hungry families or the food pantry?
- If your gift is a love of children, could you volunteer at an after school program?
- If you love to play games, have you thought about spending some time playing cards with the guys and gals at a retirement home?
These are just simple ideas and there are so many more that you could do with your own gifts!
So you tell me, what is one gift you have that you share with others?
To see the other posts in this series click here.
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