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How would you describe a typical day in your life?
Stressed? Tired? Are you dashing from one event to another only to find yourself crashing into bed at night? Do you wake up rested? Are you happy? Are your days productive?
Do you set and accomplish goals, have strong relationships, and follow your dreams or do you feel that your life is on hold, waiting for something to happen to get you started on your path to living your best life and finding your purpose?
I have never been an “early” person. I don’t neatly fit into the categories of night owl or early morning riser. I function well in the morning after I wake up (which can take a while) but I also like to stay up late (and I married a night owl which really throws a wrench into trying wake up “early”).
As a high school student, getting ready for school was always a mad dash while my younger brother was pacing away in the kitchen waiting for me to get my act together to get to school on time.
I can’t recall how many times we got to school about 3 minutes before we would have been counted tardy (and it was probably because I drove way to fast to get to school on time)!
College wasn’t much better! I scheduled most of my classes in the morning because that is when my attention span is best…however I was still barely making it to class before it started! I usually had a minute or two before the professor would start lecturing.
During my years of cramming for tests, grabbing a Poptart and a soda for breakfast, and rushing around from one activity to another, I managed to convince myself that I “thrive on pressure.”
What a lie!
Deep within I was craving calm. I had a friend who read her devotional every morning and I couldn’t manage to toast my Poptart before I needed to rush out the door, let alone find time read a devotional!
But I wanted to!
I dreamt of exercising in the morning instead of at night when I was exhausted and enjoying a peaceful morning.
I’m a life long learner. I’ve developed some habits that have helped but let’s face it- marriage, motherhood, and running your own business is not always easy!
All of these involve a lot of work and sacrifice and time. The question that I just couldn’t find an answer to was if I’m more productive in the morning, why was I not a morning person?
I started doing some research on time management, goal setting, and homemaking to help make my morning and evening routines easier and happier for both myself and my family. After some self-reflection, I realized that I feel really good when I have a productive morning- not just because I got something done, but also because I have more time to enjoy other things that I have yearned to do!
With a new school year approaching, I knew I didn’t want to spend my mornings dealing cranky kids that were overtired (or an overtired mommy), stress from forgetting to finish homework or trying to find something for a forgotten activity.
I wrote 8 Smart Mom Tips To Save Your Sanity In The Morning. These are all great tips that are still part of my routine but I was still missing something because we were still having some of the meltdowns that I was trying to avoid.
During this time, Crystal from Money Saving Mom launched her new course Make Over Your Mornings.
I’ve followed Crystal’s blog for years and I was instantly intrigued. Crystal has inspired me in so many ways to live intentionally. As a mom, blogger, and successful business woman, she has been very inspirational to me.
At first I was skeptical of paying $17 for the Make Over Your Mornings course. (I’m pretty cheap and short on extra time so I was worried I wouldn’t get through it). I also have read many books on time management so would it be something new?
The more I thought about how I’ve been inspired by Crystal over the years, I decided to Make Over My Morning! It is only a 2 week course and each day’s lesson takes only about 15 minutes to complete (there is a short video, a small reading assignment and a then a small homework assignment).
After debating about it for over a month, I realized that if I couldn’t take 15 minutes a day for myself for 14 days, especially after I am such a self-care advocate, would be not only sad but hypocritical!
I’m very excited to report that the Make Over Your Mornings course was totally worth the investment! Not only that but I learned 6 really important lessons from this course that have been crucial for less meltdowns and stress in the morning.
If you have struggled with getting your mornings in order, I would highly encourage you to invest in yourself and makeover your mornings to live your best life!
*For a limited time you can get Day 1 of the program for FREE! How great is that?
It gets even better!
On Tuesday, August 25th, you can grab your own Make Over Your Mornings course for $10!
Sign up to learn more and receive Day 1 HERE.
If you try out Day 1 and are excited about what you see and learn, grab the rest of the class on August 25 by going HERE!
If you do take the class, I’d love for you to come back and share what you’ve learned with my readers!
If you have taken the class I’d love for you to share your experience in the comments!
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
*Shared with these great parties: Monday Madness, The Chicken Chick & Mommy Monday Blog Hop
Thanks for sharing. I also I have the best days when I have productive mornings (and I’m also married to someone who would rather not deal with mornings at all.) Good luck with the new school year!
Thanks, Jen! Things are definitely improving with my new routine! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂