Welcome to Women With Intention Wednesdays!
I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already again! This week I’m happy to feature 2 bloggers!
Ladies, I’ve had a very chaotic last 2 weeks so I’m behind on my pinning but should be all caught up this weekend. I apologize but between the kids’ summer activities and building the house, I’ve been swamped.
The first featured blogger is Rebekah at Ready To Be Offered with her post Remaining Anonymous.
The second blogger I’m featuring is Danielle at My Snippets of Inspiration with her post 6 Things I Include On Every Blog Post. If you are a blogger you will definitely want to check this out!
I enjoy your posts and community each and every week! Thank you for helping make it successful by not only following the rules but for writing such great posts! I really enjoy them and I always receive great feedback from others that they enjoy your posts as well!
Here is what you will find at Women With Intention Wednesdays:
- This is a link up party where you come to encourage one another, have fun, and share your best posts to help women live their best life!
- In other words, any post that you have written about Christian living, homemaking, relationships, healthy living, living a frugal life or that helps another woman can be included in this link up! Please just keep them family friendly (I reserve the right to remove anything that I feel isn’t appropriate).
- This link up is beneficial for every woman! Whether you are a blogger or a reader, this is one you won’t want to miss! I’m very excited to offer this link up as a place to not only build new relationships between bloggers but also by providing an awesome resource of information for my readers!
Here are the rules of this link up:
- You must link directly to your post (no homepages, please).
- Please link up no more than 2 posts each week and please do not link up the same post week after week.
For every link you add, please visit the link before you and one other of your choice. If your links are consecutive visit the blogger before you and your choice for the 2nd link. It’s impossible to build relationships when no one communicates! I’ve had a few bloggers email me who haven’t had any clicks and there were more last week than any before. Please don’t link and run!
- By linking up you give me permission to share your posts and photos on this blog and social media. Each week I will choose a featured post. I will only feature and pin your post if you have followed the rules. All features will be linked back to the original source.
- You also give me permission to email you a quick reminder that the party is live. You may opt out anytime. I don’t spam my readers with emails.
- Answer the community building question below so we all get to know each other! That’s the purpose of being here! 🙂
In order to help grow this community with great posts and relationships, I would love it if you would add the party button to your sidebar, your blog directory page, or a text link at the bottom of your post. This isn’t required to participate in the link-up but I would really appreciate it!
If you were featured be sure to grab a button for your site! Thank you for linking up and sharing your great posts!
[inlinkz_linkup id=540991 mode=1]
Community building question of the week: What is one housekeeping chore that you have to do every day because it drives you crazy if you don’t?
At my house it’s dishes! I can’t stand the smell or how they look. I can go to sleep at night with dirty ones if I have to but it’s the first thing I do the next morning. How about you?
Michelle says
Dishes also. I like to start the day with a clean slate and because we don’t have a dishwasher, and we do them by hand, a must for me to have them all put away before I retire for the night.
Tia from Suits to Spit Up says
Me three…it would have to be dishes 🙂 I can’t function in a dirty kitchen.
Emily says
I am with you on the dishes!! But…I need to have them in the dishwasher every night. I cannot stand waking up to a messy kitchen!
Thanks for hosting. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Summer says
I really have to join you guys with doing the dishes daily! I am totally uncomfortable with a messy kitchen. Thanks for hosting ♥
Kelsey Ferguson says
It’s the kitchen for me, as well! The dishes don’t need to be washed, but I prefer for them to be loaded in the dishwasher. I hate waking up to a messy kitchen, but, truthfully, it happens more times than not.
Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Stacey Thureen says
We’re in the midst of potty training. This week we advanced to underwear! There have been a lot of wet ones in the process which means doing laundry everyday. It’s only a season though. 🙂
Miranda says
I have to sweep! We have hardwood floors and 5 kids, and if I don’t sweep I feel like I am walking around on crumbs. It is so yucky!
BeBetsy says
Hooray, it’s Wednesday!!! Hope you have had a great week so far. Thanks for hosting another great party. Keep up the great work!
Have a safe & happy 4th of July,
Denise W. & Aubrie B.
Michele Morin says
Clutter control! I am perpetually “shoveling a path” through the mail and the odds and ends of stuff that just lands in our busy household. It is so worth it, though, because I couldn’t stand to have it pile up!
Thanks for your efforts at creating community here!
Danielle says
Thanks for the feature – 6 things to include in every blog post! i’m so glad that I found your link up a few weeks ago! I always find several blog posts that interest me and new bloggers to follow as well! Thanks for taking the time to run the party!
Jenny says
You are very welcome! 🙂
Rebekah says
Making the bed! I feel like I cannot go on with my day if it is not made! And then, picking up clutter. We live with my Mom with our two little ones right now, so if I leave any clutter around in the large room that my family shares, things get “crazy.” 🙂
Thank you for hosting and also for featuring my post this week, Jenny; God bless you! 🙂
Jenny says
You are very welcome, Rebekah!
Aly Carter says
Bleugh Housework! I do hate having a messy bed though, even if the rest of the room looks a mess, at least it looks like you have put in a bit of effort!
Aly Carter says
I will add the button to the sidebar tomorrow, once I have figured out how to do it!
Nikki Frank-Hamilton says
Dishes for me too, they look so messy, even if I have them all ready and rinsed to go in the dishwasher. But I really hate the unloading and putting away.
Have a great week, thanks for having me!