Welcome to Women With Intention Wednesdays!
Last week we had the most link-ups we’ve had so far. Whoo hoo! Thank you so much!
This week I’m featuring 2 awesome posts! I’m happy to welcome Victoria from the Simplified Life! Victoria shared her post Read a Book. Tarissa from Introverted Mama is back again! This time she shared her post on What’s in Your Introvert Survival Kit? Thank you both for your great posts!
Here is what you will find at Women With Intention Wednesdays:
- This is a link up party where you come to encourage one another, have fun, and share your best posts to help women live their best life!
- In other words, any post that you have written about Christian living, homemaking, relationships, healthy living, living a frugal life or that helps another woman can be included in this link up! Please just keep them family friendly (I reserve the right to remove anything that I feel isn’t appropriate).
- This link up is beneficial for every woman! Whether you are a blogger or a reader, this is one you won’t want to miss! I’m very excited to offer this link up as a place to not only build new relationships between bloggers but also by providing an awesome resource of information for my readers!
Here are the rules of this link up:
- You must link directly to your post (no homepages, please).
- Please link up no more than 2 posts each week and please do not link up the same post week after week.
For every link you add, please visit the link before you and one other of your choice. If your links are consecutive visit 2 of your choice for the 2nd link. It’s impossible to build relationships when no one communicates! Please don’t link and run!
- By linking up you give me permission to share your posts and photos on this blog and social media. Each week I will choose a featured post. I will only feature and pin your post if you have followed the rules. All features will be linked back to the original source.
- You also give me permission to email you a quick reminder that the party is live. You may opt out anytime. I don’t spam my readers with emails.
- Answer the community building question below so we all get to know each other! That’s the purpose of being here! 🙂
In order to help grow this community with great posts and relationships, I would love it if you would add the party button to your sidebar, your blog directory page, or a text link at the bottom of your post. This isn’t required to participate in the link-up but I would really appreciate it!
If you were featured be sure to grab a button for your site! Thank you for linking up and sharing your great posts!

Community building question of the week: What is your favorite day of the week?
[inlinkz_linkup id=497641 mode=1]
Thank you for hosting. Have a blessed week!
I forgot to answer the question…I really don’t have a favorite, they each have their own merits.
I love Sundays because it’s the one day of the week all four of us are home together (my husband works every Saturday). I also love Tuesdays because that is typically a very productive day for me because I pick up my son later after his after-school activity.
Blessed to be featured this week! Thanks so much. I think my favorite day is Sunday. It is a day we spend as a family and work is put on hold. We even take a break from our social media and just spend time together. Thanks again for a great link-up! ~Victoria
I like Thursdays, because I take my daughter over to my mom and dad’s house. They host lunch for us, and I get to nap in my old bed.
Hmmm . . . favorite day of the week? Probably depends on what’s going on, but I usually like Tuesdays since it is our at home date night.
Not sure that I do have a favorite day of the week.. that’s like having to choose your favorite child. (wait. I dont have children so this one should be easy!) I like sundays because it’s peaceful around the house.
Also wanted to let you know that I tried to pick up the grab button for my where I party page, and the code isnt working.
Thanks so much for hosting Jenny. We’d love to have you link up at Tips and Tricks too. It’s at Fearlessly Creative Mammas. I like Sundays best. I enjoy going to church and then most weeks I can sit with my husband all day. Sometimes we have family over too. It’s a great day.
Thanks for hosting as always, Jenny!
Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Worship and rest! I love it.
Blessings to you and yours.
Jenny, I’m late to stop by and what a joyful surprise to see my post as one of your features. Thank you, thank you! For my favorite day of the week … ack! I can’t decide. There are things to love about each one. I suppose the weekend days are my favorite because that’s when I have my people home! (Hey, I narrowed it down to two! That’s progress. When you asked about a favorite appliance, I chose three!! Look how decisive I’m becoming all of the sudden.) 😉 Have a great week!