Welcome to Women With Intention Wednesdays!
This week I’m happy to feature Michele with her very real post Thy List Be Done. I hope you take the time to check it out. (Although I think she may have written it for me… just kidding but it does speak to my struggle with lists and idols!)
I hope you have all been enjoying this link up, I know that I enjoy your posts and community! Thank you for helping make it successful each week by not only following the rules but for writing such great posts! I really enjoy them and I always receive great feedback from others that they enjoy your posts as well!
Here is what you will find at Women With Intention Wednesdays:
- This is a link up party where you come to encourage one another, have fun, and share your best posts to help women live their best life!
- In other words, any post that you have written about Christian living, homemaking, relationships, healthy living, living a frugal life or that helps another woman can be included in this link up! Please just keep them family friendly (I reserve the right to remove anything that I feel isn’t appropriate).
- This link up is beneficial for every woman! Whether you are a blogger or a reader, this is one you won’t want to miss! I’m very excited to offer this link up as a place to not only build new relationships between bloggers but also by providing an awesome resource of information for my readers!
Here are the rules of this link up:
- You must link directly to your post (no homepages, please).
- Please link up no more than 2 posts each week and please do not link up the same post week after week.
For every link you add, please visit the link before you and one other of your choice. If your links are consecutive visit the blogger before you and your choice for the 2nd link. It’s impossible to build relationships when no one communicates! I’ve had a few bloggers email me who haven’t had any clicks and there were more last week than any before. Please don’t link and run!
- By linking up you give me permission to share your posts and photos on this blog and social media. Each week I will choose a featured post. I will only feature and pin your post if you have followed the rules. All features will be linked back to the original source.
- You also give me permission to email you a quick reminder that the party is live. You may opt out anytime. I don’t spam my readers with emails.
- Answer the community building question below so we all get to know each other! That’s the purpose of being here! 🙂
In order to help grow this community with great posts and relationships, I would love it if you would add the party button to your sidebar, your blog directory page, or a text link at the bottom of your post. This isn’t required to participate in the link-up but I would really appreciate it!
If you were featured be sure to grab a button for your site! Thank you for linking up and sharing your great posts!
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Community building question of the week: What is your favorite summer food?
I’m leaning towards watermelon right now but it won’t be long before we have farm fresh sweet corn and that is everyone’s favorite at my house!
Michelle says
Favorite food – any fruit or vegetable. Especially from a local farmers market during the summer months. Watermelon is on the top of the list.
Tia from Suits to Spit Up says
I would have to say fresh organic strawberries and grapes. I always have to wait until about now to get good ones. But after all good things come to those who wait.
Jenny, what a blessing it must be to live on a farm.
Karen says
Anything from the garden… peppers, watermelon, zucchini!
Michele Morin says
I’ve got to go with the garden — and everyone else’s garden! Fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer are a little taste of heaven — and the season here in Maine is soooo short! Can hardly wait ’til the strawberries are ripe!
Jenny says
Garden fresh is my favorite!
bethany says
Sweet corn! On the grill! All the way!!!
Jenny says
So yummy!
Terri Presser says
Fresh corn and tomatoes straight from the garden, just the best. Blessings
Kelsey Ferguson says
Peaches. Oh goodness, a peach so juicy that you have to eat it over the sink! Yum! I think I will go to the grocery store to check out their supply today. Of course, I live in Illinois, so no fresh from the farm peaches for me. 🙂 Thanks for hosting the link-up.
Miranda says
My favorite summer food is frozen yogurt!
Lauren English says
I’m so glad to have found this community! I can’t wait to get plugged in and follow along. Let’s see…my favorite summer food would have to be any sort of fruit dessert. Strawberry tart, peach cobbler, fresh berries and whip cream or chocolate….I’ll take it all!
Jenny says
I can’t wait for our Colorado peaches to come in. They’re always so tasty in treats! I’m so glad you found me! 🙂
by Michelle Westbrook says
In the summer, fresh fruit is my favorite! I especially love the strawberries and nectarines 🙂
Jenny says
I love strawberries as well! We bought 8 lbs today :).
Wendy @ 10acresand6chicks says
I have to go with fresh sweet corn and strawberries!! Yum!!