Last Week’s Goals:
Intentional Relationships (Marriage/Parenting/Mentoring/Friendships):
1. Have weekly date night with Jason & write love note
2. Complete First 5 lessons of Alpha-Phonics: A Primer For Beginning Readers with the kids- Did 3 and ran out of time!
3. 20 minutes of technology free time after school every day this week
4. Send 2 handwritten notes & take kids to the library
Intentional Homemaking:
5. List 10 new items on Facebook & sell at least 5 items on Facebook & make at least $40 I think I made $23 but it’s still stuff out of the house!
6. Complete Challenges For 31 Days Of Organizing & Decluttering
7. Stay under budget on groceries and household for the week.
Intentional Self-Care:
7. Drink 32 ounces of water each day & exercise 2 times & go to last dentist appointment. I didn’t do so well on the water toward the end of the week. I’m still making progress over what I used to drink though!
8. Read Blog at Home Mom: Balancing Blogging and Motherhood Read for 10 minutes today. I haven’t had any reading time this week, will keep plugging away!
9. Finish 31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way I had planned on doing this Thursday during ballet and forgot my ipad at home. Will finish this week!
Intentional Blogging:
10. Keep up on 31 Days Of Decluttering & Organizing series
11. Write 5 new blog posts
12. Work on blog only during time allotted for blogging so I can spend more time with my family. This has been hard! I have several posts that I have half written but am running out of time to post due to trying to keep myself on schedule. I either need to add some more blogging time to my schedule or get more efficient!
This Week’s Goals:
Intentional Relationships (Marriage/Parenting/Mentoring/Friendships):
1. Have weekly date night with Jason & write love note
2. Complete 3 lessons of Alpha-Phonics: A Primer For Beginning Readers with the kids
3. 20 minutes of technology free time after school every day this week
4. Celebrate Daughter #1’s birthday
5. Moms & Tweens- need to print out verses on cardstock, find my paper cutter, modge podge, and paint brushes
Intentional Homemaking:
6. List 10 new items on Facebook & sell at least 5 items on Facebook & make at least $25
7. Complete Challenges For 31 Days Of Organizing & Decluttering
8. Stay under budget on groceries and household for the week.
9. Get oil changed in my Yukon
Intentional Self-Care:
10. Drink 32 ounces of water each day & exercise 2 times
11. Read Blog at Home Mom: Balancing Blogging and Motherhood
Intentional Blogging:
12. Keep up on 31 Days Of Decluttering & Organizing series
13. Write 5 new blog posts- 2 recipes, 1 life skill, tips for selling your home, and ways to save on groceries by using your smart phone
14. Work on blog only during time allotted for blogging so I can spend more time with my family.
What are your goals for the week? Have you written them down? How did you do with your goals last week?
If you need help setting goals, check out these posts on helping you get started:
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