November and December can be very stressful when you are struggling with finances! When you aren’t sure how you’re going to afford the gifts, baking supplies and travel expenses, it’s important to remember this: Christmas is about the birth of our Saviour. It’s about giving (and there are many ways to give without spending a […]
New From It Works! Essential Oils & Holiday Sets
As I announced earlier this week, I have recently started my journey as a Money Making Mom as an It Works! Independent Distributor. I picked a great week to announce my new adventure! Earlier this week, great two holiday gift sets were unveiled! (**The links below are my referral links. If you make purchase, I may receive a small […]
Frugal Friday Tips: 5 Cheap Family Activities To Do This Weekend
Frugal Friday Tips: Cheap Date Night Ideas
As many of you know, I’m a big advocate of date night with my husband and being intentional in my marriage. I’ve heard many times that others don’t do date nights because they are expensive. That can be true! If you have kids there are babysitters, etc. However by getting creative, there are many options […]
Frugal Friday Tips: Saving Money By Utilizing The Library
My family saves money each year by going to the library. Here are some of the reasons we love the library. 1. Many Choices There are thousands of books awaiting our arrival! I have a voracious 10 year old reader (she has a mommy who is one as well). If I had to buy all […]