It’s Sunday, so it’s time to take a look back at last week before moving on to a new week! I apologize for being half nonexistent this week on the blog. To be honest, I’m exhausted. We’ve traveled, had appointments after appointments, and traveled some more. On the bright side though, it was a very productive week- here is a little sneak peek at what we were up to!
Early this week was pretty much our same old same routine. The kids had their normal after school stuff such as AWANA, wrestling, destination imagination, and basketball practice. My mornings consisted of running around to different appointments trying to make some decisions with our house building project, meeting a few kitchen designers, dropping off tax papers, and trying to get some blogging done!
I have learned that if I need to get something done, it needs to happen before noon. After that, I’m an unofficial taxi driver, chef, therapist, farmer, doctor, and the other thousands of hats moms wear each day.
One of the most exciting things that happened this week was that my dad called and told the kids that one of his cows had triplet baby calves. It is a very rare occasion to not only have a cow have triplets but that they all were alive. We were excited that he sent us a picture of the 3 getting warmed up (and naturally the kids had them all named within 2 minutes of receiving the text…Snowball, Snowflake, and Twinkle Toes, in case you were wondering).
On Thursday, we went to Nora’s first vision testing appointment in Omaha with the specialist. I had been anxiously awaiting this appointment for a long time because it was the appointment where we would find out if more vision testing is needed.
After 2 hours of testing, my suspicions were confirmed that yes, we needed to do more testing. The next 4 weeks we’ll be making the trip to Omaha once a week for more testing and then will be deciding where to go from there when we have all the results.
That appointment was two and a half hours long and was very tiring not only for Nora but for all of us. The kids were troopers. Luckily there was a playroom so that helped the others pass the time.
We had previously decided that we would be spending the night to give them a mini vacation since they didn’t have school Friday. We had a good time going to Joe’s Crab Shack (a first for all of us), swimming at the hotel, taking the kids to IHOP, Chick-Fil-A, and doing some shopping.
Yesterday, Maddie had a basketball tournament and by the time we got home, we were all exhausted. The kids went straight to bed and I fell asleep on the recliner until Jason woke me up for bed.
After all of that, I’m ready for a new week! How was your week?
What a precious, active life you live! My kids are out of the nest which gives me more time for my husband and serving the Lord. We live in a beach community and I have a team that goes with me to our beach promenade to hand out free Bibles and share the Lord with walkers and surfers. Often people just stop at our table for prayer. Sometimes we even have an opportunity to lead seekers to Christ. NOTHING is more rewarding!