The last few months have really got me thinking about all the excess that my family has. I just completed my own 30 days of Thankfulness. I went back through each day and noticed that not once did any material possessions make the list! My list was almost all composed of people, experiences and events.
Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the things we have as well, but what means the most to me is not my stuff! This almost seems contradicting because there is a lot more stuff inside our home than people!
With a new month of December beginning tomorrow, I am looking around at the excess in my home and feeling the need to simplify. Some of it is a blessing and loved (our refrigerator, favorite toys and blankets, and the heater blowing warm air on my cold feet to name just a few!) However, a lot of the excess is not only cluttering up our home, it’s also cluttering my time with having to clean it, find a place for it, or take care of it. This leads me to my question: what am I going to do about it? It’s time to take a stance against the clutter and begin the process of decluttering.
December is probably the busiest month of the year for families (or at least for our family!) I really debated about if this was the right time to start a 31 Day Decluttering Challenge and after looking around our home and knowing so many families in need right now, I decided that yes, it’s the right time.
The purpose of this challenge is not to make you feel guilty if you can’t complete the day’s decluttering challenge. The purpose of this decluttering challenge is to free you of some personal bondage (clutter). The bonus of decluttering is many of your items you will be decluttering are still in wonderful condition and you can bless someone else, going back to my thought above about blessing so many in need this time of year!
With that said, if you can find the time to complete the challenges, that’s wonderful! I’m going to try to keep them all under 30 minutes, preferably 15 minutes. Even if you get half of the challenges done, you will have made some significant progress in your home! If you can’t, you can always go back and do the challenge later but I’ve found that if I try to do that, I’m not very successful! Accountability is powerful! I know we can do this together!
I will be posting the decluttering challenges in the morning (8:00 CST)to try to give you plenty of time to finish. I will be back to the blog at 6:00 CST to update how my challenge went and post a link up for you to post your own pictures and progress. I also will check back in the evening on Facebook after the kids are in bed 8:30 CST to see how everyone has done! I’d love to hear your progress!
Good for you! We often tackle this in January, but December really is a good month to tackle some decluttering, I think. We did a fair amount before Thanksgiving and I’m trying to continue the momentum. I’ll pop over to see your decluttering progress – thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by! I probably will need to do it again in January 🙂 With a family of 7, it seems we acquire a lot of new things at Christmas and need to declutter again just to have room to store it all! New blessings means it’s time to bless others!
Thanks for linking this up at Anything Goes! I feel like I am in a constant battle with the clutter in my home, I love this idea for a daily challenge. 🙂