Happy Wednesday! Thanks for joining in the party!
Welcome to Women With Intention Wednesdays!
Here is what you will find at Women With Intention Wednesdays:
- This is a link up party where you come to encourage one another, have fun, and share your best posts to help women live their best life!
- In other words, any post that you have written about Christian living, homemaking, relationships, healthy living, living a frugal life or that helps another woman can be included in this link up! Please just them family friendly (I reserve the right to remove anything that I feel isn’t appropriate).
- This link up is beneficial for every woman! Whether you are a blogger or a reader, this is one you won’t want to miss! I’m very excited to offer this link up as a place to not only build new relationships between bloggers but also by providing an awesome resource of information for my readers!
Here are the *NEW* 2017 rules of this link up:
- You must link directly to your post (no homepages, please).
- Please link up no more than 2 posts each week and please do not link up the same post week after week.
For every link you add, please visit the link before you and one other of your choice. If your links are consecutive visit the blogger before you and your choice for the 2nd link. It’s impossible to build relationships when no one communicates! Please don’t link and run!
- By linking up you give me permission to share your posts and photos on this blog and social media. I will from time to time feature you here on the blog or on my social media channels. All features will be linked back to the original source.
- You also give me permission to email you a quick reminder that the party is live. You may opt out anytime. I don’t spam my readers with emails.
- Answer the community building question below so we all get to know each other! That’s the purpose of being here! 🙂
By being a regular link up participant you are invited to pin to my Pinterest board Women With Intention Wednesdays. I have ~3,000 followers and this will be great exposure for you. You will need to follow me on Pinterest, email me at womenwithintention@gmail.com with your Pinterest information (name and email address). After I have verified you as a regular contributor here in this community I will add you and you may add your content that is appropriate to my readers and followers. I reserve the right to remove you if I find your content unacceptable without any notice to you. Please also only pin each of your posts once!
- I’d love for you to share this link-up with other bloggers. This isn’t mandatory but if you like it here, please share with your friends!
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Community Building Question: If money was no object, what type of volunteer work would you like to do either in your area or abroad?
I’ve always wanted to volunteer in a Children’s hospital to play with kids, ricks babies, and help families. I was in the hospital a lot as a child and many awesome men and women made a strong, lasting impression on me!
I always liked working with teenagers. But these days it’s with women mostly.
Thanks for the linkup today, Jenny.
God Bless
A woman’s homeless shelter. To share with them the Hope and Love of Christ. Because #hopechangeseverything
I’ve always wanted to volunteer at a library — and I’d love to have a Bible study for women . . . anywhere, really.
That’s a tough question! I am an author and my heart is in women’s ministry, but every year when my church leaves for their mission trip to Africa my heart longs to equip the women their to grow in their love of Jesus. I don’t know what that looks like. I would love to write specifically for them, but I know I would have to meet them first, and I know I would have to find a way to get them the books for free. I would love it even more if I could translate it into their language. Maybe work with a local woman and help support her family by paying her to translate. But money is an object, so I’ll just keep praying.
What’s funny is money is less an object than time. What I’d really love to do is volunteer at a domestic violence shelter again. I loved working at one a few years ago. It was hard, but I loved feeling like I was making a difference!
College ministry. Absolutely. Young adults wrestle with such important issues and difficult questions, and I want to walk with them.
I would absolutely volunteer with children or teenagers. I have been a teacher for years, and this is where my heart is!
Thank you so much for the party! I hope that you have a nice St. Patty’s Day. Robin | Fluster Buster
Tough question! Something with women and/or children. Giving hope to those who seem lost through missions.
Jenny, thanks for hosting. Happy Spring!
I would love to work at an orphanage in Africa, teach underprivileged women both here and abroad how to be entrepreneurs to help provide for their families, and provide a home /safe place for single woman who are pregnant or have small children.