Last week it was brought to my attention that my goal posts may unintentionally put some of you off because your life is so different than mine.
If that is the case, I apologize as I’ve never wanted anyone to think I have it all together or that my life is better than yours.
I don’t!
In fact, that’s how this blog was born!
When my first marriage ended after almost 10 years of marriage. I had 4 kids under 7 years old (and 3 of them were under 3 years old!). My life was stressful and chaotic.
Divorce causes many changes in relationships and I found myself feeling very alone.
One thing I hadn’t expected as a result of the divorce, was the end of a different relationship and that was with my best friend (who I had considered the sister I never had).
I knew I had to get myself together. It seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn’t get anything done and I felt like I was sinking.
My children were my priority and I knew that to be the mom they needed and deserved, something had to change.
Over 5 years ago, I started reading Crystal Paine’s Money Saving Mom’s website (which is my favorite blog, ever). Crystal is an awesome encourager of living an intentional life and she inspired me to start doing weekly goals.
I’ve always set goals but my goals were more long-term goals, focusing on monthly, yearly, and 5-10 year goals. By doing weekly goals, I quit stumbling to and from bed without really knowing what happened in between (most days). I still do longer term goals but use the weekly goals to get me there!
I’m a list maker, it felt great to mark something off my list. (Even if it was one load of laundry!) This new excitement built momentum and I wanted to help other women feel that way too.
Each of us have different struggles, strengths, and interests. By encouraging others, we can all live more intentional lives in whatever season we’re in.
With that here are my goals this week:
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Spiritual Goals:
- Pray each day
- Practice gratitude each day
Marriage Goals:
- Have a date night.
- Write a love note to Jason.
- Continue birthday and anniversary shopping.
Family Goals:
- Do 3 things to encourage kindness as a family this week.
- Remind Maddie to practice speech each evening
- Begin vision therapy exercises at home
- Schedule Cub Scout meeting
Homemaking Goals:
- Sell $50 worth of stuff on Facebook exchange
- Clean refrigerator
- Tweak kitchen design
- Take care of my dry hands and skin.
- Get on the at least elliptical three times.
- Go on 2 walks.
Personal Goals:
Read 2 chapters of Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love
- Read 2 Chapters of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
- Finish reading Almost Amish: One Woman’s Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life
. I am on chapter 4 of this and even though I don’t agree with every point the author makes, I’m really getting some great ideas for simpler living!
- Finish reading Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World
. LOVE this book. I read 3/4 of it in one day because I couldn’t put it down! Goals:
- Continue new “renew and refresh” series and the Biblical kindness series!
- Pin links from Women With Intention Wednesday
If you need help setting goals, check out these posts on helping you get started:
Setting Goals With An Action Plan
How To Change Your Life By Setting Goals
What are your goals for the week? I’d love to cheer you on in your journey!!
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
I just started visiting your blog so not sure what all the fuss is about regarding the beginning of your post. Stay true to yourself and don’t worry about what others think. I feel it is good to set goals for ourselves, whether that be daily, weekly or yearly. It helps keep us focused and prioritized in what matters most. You begin each day with prayer, well the rest will fall into place. My goal this week is to finish writing my posts for next week so I don’t need to do it over the weekend.
I actually enjoy seeing your goals. I notice that not all of your goals are crossed off from the week before – would that not be an indication that you don’t have it ‘all together’?? I do appreciate your goals since it gives me ideas of goals or things to do for myself.
I wonder if what you heard was simply based upon someone else’s insecurities and woundedness. And only Jesus can deal with that.
Keep on with the goals, sister!!
Oh – and I appreciated your transparency in the post above. I find it interesting that you lost your best friend over the divorce. I’ve lost a best friend before, too. It hurts.
Thank you for sharing and allowing us other bloggers to link up to your site.
May God bless you so very much!!
Aimee, thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, I definitely have a long way to go before I’d say I “have it together”! 😉
Hi Jenny! Thanks for sharing your goals! I found you via MSM and also love Crystal Paine’s blog! I love setting goals and have done for years – I’m a goal setting maniac!! Doesn’t mean I accomplish them all, but truly believe, like you, that you get a whole lot further towards them by writing them down. Nice blog you have & nice to meet you online 🙂
Hi Sue! I’m glad to “meet” you! 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!