Can you believe July is over? My kids start school in less than 2 weeks! We’re trying to soak up the last few days of summer and have fun.
A few months ago I came across Leigh Kramer’s “What I’m Into” posts and was instantly inspired. I am one of those people who truly enjoy reading about other people’s goals, lives, what they are reading, and any other lists they throw out for me to browse!
June was too chaotic for me to do a “What I’m Into” post but I’m excited to have one for July!
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What I’ve Been Doing:
July has been a fun, on-the-go month filled with summer fun including County Fair, weddings, school shopping, and of course, Nora’s vision therapy.
In between all of the activities, there has been a lot going on. The construction on the new house is moving along, especially on the outside!
The double doors were installed, the siding is almost all on except for the part where we are waiting on the bricklayers. The builders poured the patio and have both retaining walls done.
The inside is also coming along as the subcontractors have been busy, too.
It’s getting real!
At home we’ve been busy decluttering and preparing for a garage/moving sale as well as back to school.
We’re almost finished with back to school shopping and I’m still praying for a mini vacation this weekend. (Would you all please pray for rain, our land is very dry and Jason needs to irrigate if it doesn’t rain?)
What I’ve Read & What I’m Reading:
I didn’t get nearly enough time to read in July! I’m really hoping to make more time for this in August.
- The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul
Fair warning: there is some profanity in this book…With that said, I have really enjoyed the idea of this book that when you set a goal or purpose, you don’t really want that thing but the feeling that it would give you. This book feels a little “New Age” to me which isn’t something that I’d normally choose but I’m curious and looking forward to reading the rest. I’ve gotten some great quotes and ideas with what I’ve read so far!
- Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving
. I just started this book but the Amish fascinate me in many ways so I’m looking forward to reading more!
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
. Best book I’ve read this year! Highly recommend!
What I’m listening To:
Podcasts! I’ve recently became hooked on podcasts as a way to learn while “doing” whether it’s laundry, dishes, or driving to appointments. I’ve mainly been listening to Michael Hyatt’s podcasts on blogging and living with purpose (I really enjoy Michael’s life planning podcasts, especially this one!)
I’ve also been checking out YouTube videos on folding the KonMari way. I am very visual so this really motivated me to get going on my stuff!
What I’m Excited About:
July was a month where it felt like treading water…barely staying afloat.
I felt behind all month. That feeling always ends up leaving me stressed and anxious.
I’m excited for a new month and getting back to a routine. I hate sending my kids back to school but that’s part of life. This will be a big year with Maddie starting Junior High and David going to Kindergarten. Life is never dull and we only get one so enjoy every minute of it!
Things I Love:
My planner pens!
I love these Pilot Frixion Erasable Color Pencils Like Gel Ink Pen 0.7mm 24 Colors /Value set Which Attached the Eraser Only for Friction. They’re erasable so my planner looks neat and clean even when i need to change an appointment. I erase the original and write it in. They’re not cheap, but work great for color coding my planner as well!
I have many awesome ideas to include in your own planner on my Pinterest board!
Diablo sauce!
I have been on a spicy kick lately. If you know how to make this, please share with me!!
Antique shopping!
We’ve been looking for a few pieces for the new house. Listening to the kids in antique stores is hilarious. The kids definitely know how to make us feel antique with their random questions about, “when you were a kid…”
What I’ve Enjoyed In The Blogosphere:
I always share my favorite posts and finds on my Facebook page! Just today I shared a really cool idea using children’s pants hangers to clip and hang your open chip bags in your pantry if you have wire shelves! I also post completely different things on Instagram!
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
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