Guest post from Sara of Sweet Success
Lately I’ve had an itch to organize, clean and declutter. My sudden jolt of motivation is brought on by the change in seasons, but also the feeling that spring brings.
There’s a sense of renewal that comes along with spring, which is why spring is the perfect time for organizing, cleaning and decluttering. But have you ever thought about spring cleaning your workouts?
Changing your workout routine will actually improve your overall level of fitness and will help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals.
Have you been riding a weight-loss plateau for a while? You end up burning fewer and fewer calories when you’re doing the same workout over and over again because your body becomes efficient at doing the workout.
Do you dread going to the gym or doing your go-to workout DVD? Changing your workout regimen can help you get out of a workout rut and reenergize you.
If you’ve been trudging along on the treadmill all winter or doing the same at-home workouts, change up your routine! Here’s how:
- Try a new to you fitness class – Fitness classes are a great way to push yourself a little harder than you’d push yourself on your own. Want to try something intense? Check out an Insanity class. Looking to improve your flexibility? Try yoga. Or maybe you just want to insert a little fun into your fitness. If that’s the case, try a cardio dance class.
- Ask your fit friend if you can workout with her – It may be intimidating to workout with someone who is more fit than you, but it will help you to push yourself a bit harder. This is perfect for you if you’ve been doing the same tired routine on the elliptical or treadmill.
- Sign up for a race – Doing your first 5K or 10K or even half-marathon will get your out of your comfort zone! Try a Couch to 5K program if you’re new to running, or start working on setting a PR if you are already a runner.
- Take your workout outside – Working out indoors all winter can get boring. Adding a little sunshine to your workout will give you an added boost. Go for a run or a bike ride, do some backyard yoga or do an online workout on your deck. I like using websites like Grokker and Gigabody for online workouts. You can also find workouts on YouTube. I like SarahFit, Blogilates and Tone It Up. Or try this High Intensity Bleacher Workout ( at your local track.
- Set a goal – There’s no better way to push yourself than to start working toward a fitness goal. Maybe you want to run a mile or do a pull up or complete 10 push-ups or do a yoga handstand. Write down your goal and put it in a place that you can see every day. Each day, do something that will get you closer to your goal.
- Hire a professional – Hiring a professional can help to motivate you and keep you accountable. If you have trouble pushing yourself to workout, having set meetings with a professional might be for you!
How do you change up your workout routine?
Sara Giboney blogs at Sweet Success. She is a health coach and certified group fitness instructor. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @saragiboney and on Facebook.
I remember trying to sign up for a community race, some how that fell out of my plans.
These are good suggestions. Fitness adds an extra spark and boosts the confidence we have.
God bless