**Did you miss the other posts in this series of 31 Days Of Intentional Living? You can find them here!
When is the last time you took a few minutes to enjoy the sunrise, watch wildlife, smell rain on the sidewalk, or notice a beautiful tree in bloom? Whether it is a momma deer with her newborn spotted twins sneaking into our corn fields for a quick bite to eat, turkey’s strutting their stuff on the way to check our cattle, or the beautiful autumn leaves just about ready to fall from our trees, we are blessed with nature’s beauty every day.
My family’s livelihood revolve around Mother Nature. This year we were blessed with nice rain showers and as Jason is harvesting our crops, the yields are good. However, we have friends and neighbors who had pivots flipped over by a tornado and crops completely demolished by hail storms. Mother Nature is unpredictable. There is no feeling like going to bed with a beautiful view of a lush, green cornfield out our bedroom window and wake up the next day after a hail storm to bare dirt. Even though we may not appreciate her cruel sense of humor at times, we respect Mother Nature.
It’s important to be able to stop and take in what is going on around us. There is beauty outside everyday that can take your breath away. I have found by embracing nature’s beauty, my stress level goes down, I breathe easier, and I am able to focus. Even in the city where life moves at a more rapid pace, nature is still abundant.
Have you been able to embrace nature lately? What’s holding you back?
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
**Did you miss the other posts in this series of 31 Days Of Intentional Living? You can find them here!
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
This is why I am so thankful that we moved from the city to the country. We are surrounded by nature and God’s beauty. You can see it even in the city, but it’s all consuming in the country.
Jen @ Growing in Faith says
I absolutely love looking at nature and seeing God’s creativity and beauty shine through! Being out in nature brings me peace and solitude when I’m stressed, and is always an encouragement. It’s an escape for me! 🙂
Kim Zimmerman says
I loved your post about embracing nature. This topic is more important to well-being than many of us realize. Interacting with nature on a daily basis is necessary! Thanks so much.
Brittany says
The toddler and I LOVE to watch the birds and squirrels in the yard! We don’t actually go out and play as much as we should though.