Christmas is only 10 days away! I have found in my journey with connecting with God that Our worship on Christmas is often dependent on our preparation during the weeks preceding Christmas. In the season of waiting on the birth of Jesus, here are a few Old and New Testament readings (NIV) to help you […]
Rest In God To Live Your Best Life
Welcome back to my series, 31 Days Of Purpose! If you are just joining in, you can find all of previous challenges here! I have a hard time resting. Somewhere along the way, I’ve gotten uncomfortable being still. Spending quiet time doing nothing is almost painful, more like work than relaxation. After having babies, going to the kids’ school activities, and […]
3 Bible Verses For When Your Heart Is Burdened & Women With Intention Wednesdays #35
Are you worried, troubled, or stressed about something going on in your life? Have you been fighting with your husband, yelling at your children, or had a disagreement with a family member that has caused a lot of heartache? Have you had a health scare that is causing you stress? I have my first mammogram […]
Why We Need A Spiritual Mentor
**The links in this post are my referral links. If you make purchase, I may receive a small commission at not additional cost to you that I use to help fund this blog. Thank you for your support! You can read my disclosure policy here. **Did you miss the other posts in this series of 31 […]
The Cure For The “Perfect” Life Book Review (& A Giveaway!)
**Disclaimer- I received this book for free as part of the launch team. It was my first time doing this and it was a very neat experience. (I felt like it was Christmas when I opened the mail and not only the book fell out of the envelope but also a pretty pink highlighter!) I got to interact […]