Today’s Wishful Wednesday project was to clean and organize the area where we keep our games! Before I completed the challenge, the games were mixed together, pieces were laying out of the boxes, and there was a container of miscellaneous game parts that need returned to where they came from. This is why I do […]
Wishful Wednesday
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc With today’s excitement of my 31 Days of Decluttering In December challenge, I almost forgot Wishful Wednesday! Wishful Wednesday is the day of the week where I take an intentional step to cross something off my “I wish that was done…” list. The goal and intention of Wishful Wednesday […]
Wishful Wednesday Update
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc Here is my Wishful Wednesday update! My job today was to clean the washing machine and the laundry room. I did manage to get it all done in an hour! To prove to you that I didn’t just stuff the cupboards (although they are full) here […]
Wishful Wednesday
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc Wednesday is the day of the week where I take an intentional step to cross something off my “I wish that was done…” list. This wish needs to be completed today! (I usually aim for less than one hour to finish to be safe that I will get it done). The […]
Wishful Wednesday Update
I had a wish to complete today on Wishful Wednesday that really wasn’t very hard, time intensive, or even dirty but I have been procrastinating about it! I know that being an intentional woman is wonderful but without the discipline to complete that intention, the intention is worthless. My wish today was to clean […]
Wishful Wednesday
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc Wednesday is the day of the week where I take an intentional step to cross something off my “I wish that was done…” list. This wish needs to be completed today! (I usually aim for less than one hour to finish to be safe that I will get it done). The goal […]
Wishful Wednesday Update
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc Today’s Wishful Wednesday project was to clean out the closet under the stair case and assemble some shelves to store the recently canned food. The reason I love Wishful Wednesday is because now the project is done! I can quit thinking that I need to do it. It made me […]
Wishful Wednesday
Photo Credit: Mufidah Kassalias via Compfight cc Wednesday is the day of the week where I take an intentional step to cross something off my “I wish that was done…” list. This wish needs to be accomplished today! (I usually aim for less than one hour to complete to to be safe that I will get […]