You have 10 minutes to leave for work, your hair isn’t fixed, the kids are screaming over a toy no one has noticed in the last 9 months, you can’t find the order form they need to have turned into school, and you can feel your temper rising.
As you finally get everyone out the door, your youngest child looks at you and says, “Mom, I have to go potty” and runs back in the house. By the time you get to work, you are 15 minutes late and you have forgotten your report you worked on the night before.
Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Those days where you’re running late, losing your temper, or forgetting what you need at home for work or other activities? If so, don’t worry! I have 8 smart tips help save your sanity each morning!
1. Get Dressed To Shoes.
Whether you work outside or inside the home, this tip is for you! Several years ago I discovered Flylady. One of Flylady’s tips is to get dressed to shoes. I have found it is easier to face the day, wake up, and get to work when I’m dressed, have my shoes on and am ready to face the day!
2. Check The Calendar
Checking the calendar has become the most important routine I do in the morning, and I do it as soon as I wake up! It truly does save my sanity!
I know whether we have any appointments, activities or library books that are due that day by simply taking 30 seconds to glance at the calendar! This tiny task will save time and money because you are for the day, you won’t forget to bring along the items you need, and you will stay on task and out of panic mode.
If you add any of these tips to your routine, this one has made the biggest difference in my life!
3. Stay Off The Internet Until You Are Completely Ready
Last year I got into a horrible habit of checking my email and Facebook first thing in the morning. It seemed harmless but Facebook alone can drain 30 minutes of your precious morning time (which is fine when you are ready and it’s not distracting you from other important tasks). If you get the essentials done first, you won’t feel so rushed.
4. Tell The Kids You Love Them
There is nothing worse than having a stressful morning (especially if there was yelling involved) and you realize that the kids are off to school after having a bad morning and you didn’t tell them you love them.
This has happened more times than I’d like to admit and I’ve made it a priority to always tell them I love them before they go to school and give them a hug and kiss. No one knows what the day will bring.
When we see the bus head to the neighbors, they line up for their kisses and they know that they are going to hear, “Have a great day! I love you!”
5. Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy wrote the book, Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. This book has been a game-changer for me! Tracy explains that to “eat that frog” you decide what you worst, hardest, or most dreaded task is and you do it first! By getting that one dreaded task finished, you will feel like you’ve accomplished something (which builds momentum wanting to eat the next frog on your list).
When I had 4 kids in diapers, this concept saved my sanity because most days I did only get one thing done and I still felt like I accomplished something!
6. Unload The Dishwasher
There is nothing worse than coming home from work and having a kitchen full of dirty dishes. I have found that the easiest way for me to get the dishwasher unloaded, is to do it when it’s breakfast time for the kids. (When you have 5 like I do, just unloading enough for them to eat breakfast is about a third of a load!)
I work on unloading the rest as they eat breakfast and we are able to have meaningful morning conversations and discuss anything happening that day such as dentist appointments, AWANA or a reminder that it is dance night.
It also makes it easy to clear off the table when they are done eating. The empty dishwasher is ready for their dirty dishes. Even my 3-year-old can put her cereal bowl and spoon inside the dishwasher after scraping her bowl. Teaching them to do this has saved me a lot of time!
7. Start A Load Of Laundry
Any woman knows that if she lets the laundry pile up, she is going to have a problem eventually. Laundry at my house became much less of a chore when Jason surprised me with the LG Mega Capacity Washer & Dryer. With a family of 7, this has really lessened the time I spend in our small laundry closet. Even though I’m still processing the amount of laundry I was before, but it has really cut down on the amounts of loads I do each week. Each day, my laundry routine in the morning and evening is:
- take the dried clothes out of the dryer
- move what was in the washer to the dryer
- throw a new load in the washer
- fold the clothes that were previously dried
- have the kids put them away AFTER school.
8. Get Something Out For Lunch And Supper.
This is another really important task for me. Part of being an intentional mother and wife is intentionally planning to make healthy meals for my family to enjoy together. I know if I don’t do this, we are probably eating out! Many times if I have to brown ground beef for lunch, I will also brown extra ground beef to use at supper that evening. This saves on time, money, our waistlines, and my sanity!
Are you ready to save your sanity? By implementing these ideas, I am sure your mornings will be less stressful! Do you have a morning routine? What have you found to be the key to make your mornings successful?
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
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Su says
Every morning, after praying, I say”Eat that frog”! in my head, of course. (really) I read the book a year or two ago and have used that ever since to do what I don’t really feel like doing–like getting up. I’ve also tried to teach my kids about it–eating that frog. Have a great day.
Brittany at Equipping Godly Women says
lol. I use COMPLETELY different tips to help me get things done.
1. I cannot STAND wearing shoes in the house, so that’s definitely a no-go.
5. Instead of doing the hardest tasks first, I schedule certain tasks for certain times of day when I am most productive. For example, I can’t sit to focus on work until after I have checked my email/Facebook, and I do definitely do that very first thing in the morning! and
6. I do the dishes between 7-8 pm, when one kidlet is in bed and it isn’t time for the other kidlet to go to bed yet. I like doing them at night so I can wake up to a clean house in the morning!
So funny how what works well for one person isn’t always what works well for another!
Jenny says
I used to hate wearing shoes when I first became a stay at home mom but I have found that by having them on I do save a lot of time. Maybe it’s part of living in the country and I make 100 trips in and out of the house a day… 🙂
I’ve adapted my tips throughout the years as we’ve added children and as the seasons have changed. Now that they’re getting older, I think it’s important for them to share in the family chores (like the dishes) where when they were very small I would wait until after bedtime.
Everyone is different which is what makes the world great. 🙂
Teresa says
Stopping by from Mommy Monday, this is great advice! Laundry is definitely the daily chore that needs to be kept up. It does help to have an intentional purpose and plan for each day to get it done.
Susan says
Lately I’ve been challenging myself to hear from God first, which means no Facebook, etc. unless I’ve had time in prayer or Bible study. I missed it today, but I won’t tomorrow. I also need to do better with #6 and #8. Few things drag me down like an overflowing sink and “What’s for dinner?” But when the sink is empty and dinner’s cooking, I rejoice! 🙂 Thanks for these great reminders.
Jenny says
Susan, I love this! I deleted Facebook off of my phone and it’s been a great thing to let go of (and still enjoy when I’m on the laptop!)
Kelsey Ferguson says
I love these tips! I have heard so many people recommend FlyLady. It’s probably time I check her out and see what all the buzz is about! Although, I have a weird thing about shoes. I take them off as soon as possible. My ‘eat the frog’ that I need to get better at is exercising first thing in the morning. If I don’t do it then, it will hang over my head all day, which usually leads to feeling guilty for skipping out. Thank you for tips! (Stopping by from your Women With Intention Wednesday Link-up! Thanks for hosting; this is my first time linking up!)
Jenny says
I’m glad you stopped by, Kelsey! I’ve adapted my Flylady routine over the years but it’s a great way to just START! 🙂
Bonnie Lyn Smith, Espressos of Faith says
This is a fantastic list! I’ve added most of these to my morning list over the years just by happenstance, and it has helped a LOT, although now I’ll try dressed to shoes and do hardest task first! Love this post! Practical tips! I have trouble organizing myself and my thoughts. I could relate to everything you said! Blessings! Pinning and tweeting! Coming to you from #EspressosofFaith via #WomenWithIntentionWednesdays!