November and December can be very stressful when you are struggling with finances! When you aren’t sure how you’re going to afford the gifts, baking supplies and travel expenses, it’s important to remember this: Christmas is about the birth of our Saviour. It’s about giving (and there are many ways to give without spending a lot of money)!
My wish for you is to soak in the wonder of this time of year and to celebrate what it’s all about.
Here are 5 ways to save on holiday shopping.
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1. Create a budget
Without a budget, there is no way to know if you are on track or not. December is a very expensive month. Most people buy most if not all of their holiday items (baking supplies, gifts, and decorations to name just a few) in December. By having and sticking to your budget, your bank account will thank you in January.
2. Get organized!
Have a list of everyone you need to buy for and the budget you have set before you shop. Track your spending, what you have purchased, and keep your receipts in one place (preferably an envelope). Those receipts will come in handy if you have a rebate to send in or if there is a duplicate gift and you want to return something. Make sure you always have your gift list with you before you shop!
3. Don’t be a procrastinator!
Shop early and know your prices. If an item you are wanting to buy is on sale, buy it! As long as you are organized and have your receipt in the envelope that I recommended in step 2 you are set. If you find the price lower later on, you can return the first one because you will know exactly where your receipt is!
I have witnessed first hand how toys especially get picked over and as Christmas approaches, store shelves become empty. If you find the item you are wanting to buy, do it before it’s too late.
4. Take advantage of rebates and cash back programs.
Websites and apps such as Ebates, Ibotta, and Shopkick all provide you with rewards for doing your holiday shopping through them.
I just cashed in s check from Ebates yesterday for $34. No it won’t buy all my gifts but it’ll take care of some!
5. Shop online to avoid overspending in the store.
It’s very easy to grab a few extras while you are in shopping at Target for your Christmas presents. By shopping online, you can compare prices while avoiding those extra impulse buys. (Once again, don’t forget to go through Ebates to get your cash back!
What are your favorite ways to save on holiday shopping?
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