Welcome to a new week! I hope you had a fantastic weekend with relaxation and great memories!
Here are my 5 Things I Love from last week:
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1. The #superbloodmoon!
Did you watch this last night? I enjoyed peeking out in between getting all Nora’s vision therapy stuff together for our trip today. Nature’s beauty is so amazing if we just look and enjoy.
2. Great behavior!
I was very excited for Davey this week. The circle on Tuesday is where his teacher wants the kids to be every day. She calls it “ready to learn”. When they have great behavior the kids get to “clip up”. David was very excited to not only have clipped to the top, but he had excellent behavior all week (which is expected from my kids but it’s fun to reward them when they have exceptional behavior).
3. Parades!
As you may have seen on my Facebook page, we were fortunate enough to watch Maddie march in one of the local parade’s on Saturday (and her band won 1st place in their class). Between watching the bands, collecting candy, and watching Ari dance we had a lot of fun!
4. Bike Riding!
Look who rode her bike this week! At first it was from the sidewalk to the cornfield but by the end she was going farther! David decided he no longer needs training wheels either so now I have 4 bike riders. I’m so proud of Nora and how far she’s come with her therapy!
5. Rest!
When life is full, whether it’s experiences, over scheduled calendars, or just bursting with excitement there is nothing better than down time. I’ve enjoyed 10-15 minutes each morning outside on the patio after exercising. It cools me off and I’ve noticed how the birds circle in our trees, how beautiful the sunrise is, and how our cats will not leave me alone when I’m in their territory (especially this one who is Nora’s baby)! It’s been a small, refreshing change I really needed.
Life is never dull at my house! What did you love last week?
Last Week’s Goals:
Spiritual Goals:
Make time for God each day.- Go to church on Sunday
Marriage Goals:
Have a date night!Shut computer off by 10 PM each night to have some downtime before bed.
Family Goals:
Continue Vision Therapy for Nora.Have Nora ride her bike 3 times.Stick to bed times!Stay on top of allergies and make sure Blake gets all medicine for his Bell’s Palsy.
Homemaking Goals:
- List 5 pairs of shoes and 5 coats on Facebook
- Take aluminum cans to recycling.
Order lights for kitchen, living room,outside perimeter of house and entry.- Look for window coverings
Watch my water intake.Exercise 4 times, increase time by 5 minutes, and write it down in my weight loss journal.Make a list of healthy snacks.
Personal Goals:
Complete outline for a new project.Cut myself some slack.
Womenwithintention.com Goals:
- Pin links from Women With Intention Wednesday.
Write 3 posts.Make button for 31 Day project in October- Continue outline for my first eBook.
Read 4 posts/articles on ebooks
This Week’s Goals:
Spiritual Goals:
- Make time for God each day.
- Read 5 days of You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You
Marriage Goals:
- Have a date night!
- Buy/make snacks stuff for Jason to take with him in the combine.
Family Goals:
- Continue Vision Therapy for Nora.
- Have Nora ride her bike 3 times.
- Stick to bed times!
- Stay on top of allergies and make sure Blake gets all medicine for his Bell’s Palsy.
Homemaking Goals:
- Buy bull nose to tile our shower.
- Buy lights for island and house perimeter
- Make a dozen bars for booster club
- Watch my water intake.
- Exercise 4 times, increase time by 5 minutes, and write it down in my weight loss journal.
Personal Goals:
- Listen to 7 podcasts
- Get sleep, I feel like I’m getting a sinus infection.
- Order Push: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin’ Body, and the Life You Deserve!
I wanted to find it at the library but haven’t been able to find it. Have any of you read this book?
Womenwithintention.com Goals:
- Pin links from Women With Intention Wednesday.
- Begin 31 Days Project
Do you need help setting goals, check out these posts on helping you get started:
Setting Goals With An Action Plan
How To Change Your Life By Setting Goals
What are your goals for the week? I’d love to cheer you on in your journey!!
Would you like to link up your own 5 Favorite Things or your goals?
I included the link up button below so you can share your favorites and goals with us!
[inlinkz_linkup id=567512 mode=1]
Have you enjoyed what you read here today? Do you have friends or other women you know that could benefit from this resource? If so, please do me a favor! I have included the links below to share with other intentional women! They’ll be glad you did!
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